For the modern couple who loves the aul drop of wine together, our Ceremony Officiants here at Enchanted Ceremonies offer the perfect time-capsule ritual in our growing ceremony ideas library

With your instructions, your Officiant can select you a good bottle of wine that comes in it’s own box but most couples prefer to select their own favourite drop.  Many companies will make you a customised bottle and a box if you ask them.

Your ceremonial wine box contains  course your chosen bottle of wine along with a love letter from each of you to the other.  Your love letter describes all the good things you find in each other, along with the reasons you fell in love, and your reasons for marrying.  You will each seal your love letters in individual envelopes during your wedding ceremony, without seeing what each other has written.  Therefore creating your very own sacred time capsule to be opened together on your 5th wedding anniversary.

It is a good idea to keep your sacred time capsule prominently displayed in your home in a place of honour as a reminder of your love and commitment to each other.

The conclusion of your time capsule ritual will follow in 5 years time, when it is to be opened and celebrated on your 5th wedding anniversary.

However at any time in the years to come should you find yourselves enduring insurmountable hardship, and you feel it to be appropriate, you are to take two empy wine glasses and sit down together with some good background music playing, open your time capsule and sip your sacred wine together. 

After a few sips of your sacred wine, you are each to open and read the love letters you wrote to one another and sealed in your time capsule on your wedding day.  By reading these sacred love letters you will reflect upon the reasons you fell in love and chose to marry each other, which will give you just the boost you need to overcome the hardship.

Of course the hope is that you will never have a reason to open your time capsule early, and you will look forward to celebrating when you open your sacred time capsule together on your 5th wedding anniversary, and celebrate and many more anniversaries to come!

Sharon Quigley
Author: Sharon Quigley